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Primary School ESL Job in Dongguan!24-25K/M after tax+Housing allowance 2K/M

Education/Teaching | Full-time | Dongguan | Posted by:Penny123     Sep 17 16:46      share    Tel:18140531486     Working City:Dongguan   Hits:

Primary School ESL Job in Dongguan!24-25K/M after tax+Housing allowance 2K/M

Job description:

- Work load:30 classes/week, 35 mins/class, office hrs 8:00-17:30+weekends off
- Type of school: private Primary School 
- Student age: 6-12
- Teaching subject:English
- Teaching materials: provided
- Location:Changping town, Dongguan city, Guang Dong
- Start date: ASAP
- Vacancy: 1

Salary and Benefits:
- Salary:24-25K/M after tax
- Housing:housing allowance 2K/M
- Summer/winter holiday: have classes during summer/winter holiday
- Chinese national holiday: all paid 
- 20 days paid annual holiday
- Medical insurance: provided
- Flight allowance: 8K
- Work visa and work permit card: provided

Applicants are required to be:
- Native English speaker
- Hold a Bachelor degree
- 2 years teaching experience
- Able to commit to at least one year contract

How to apply:
Please send your resume and a recent photo to Penny if you are interested.

A reward of 2000 RMB will be offered for successful referrals !

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Report Abuse     Jobs Offered ID: 47185

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